STAR WARS™ Starfighter™ review

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STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

Soaring through the Great Expanse in Star Wars Starfighter

Embarking on an interstellar journey, the Star Wars Starfighter thrusts its players into an adventure where the reward is the salvation of a planet. The tranquil world of Naboo faces an unforeseen adversary, and it's up to three unconventional allies - Rhys Dallows, a novice pilot from Naboo; Vana Sage, a seasoned mercenary; and Nym, a resourceful alien pirate – to liberate it.

Converging Paths in the Galactic Dance

The storyline appreciably converges the narratives of these distinct characters, fostering a captivating alliance. Handling a different starfighter for each, you'll pilot the fast and sophisticated Naboo starfighter, the agile Guardian Mantis, and the destructive Havoc. The challenge lies in mastering the distinct nuances of each ship and stretching your strategic depth.

Once your ship is ready, you'll embark upon more than a dozen tasks aiming to liberate Naboo, from salient deep space dogfights to surgical attack runs, convoy escort missions, and beyond. The stake of each mission intensifies, building an appealing atmosphere of tension and reward.

The Star Wars Universe Like Never Before

The design captures the intrinsic enormity and diversity of the Star Wars universe. From the vast plains of Naboo to the confounds of the Droid Control Ship's interior, the game draws you into different settings of grand proportions. And it's not just confined to planetoids, as players get to explore the far-off stretches of space.

Star Wars Starfighter pushes graphical innovation, imparting a pristine yet lively look to each character, vehicle, and surroundings. Each environment is teeming with immersive graphical delight, ensuring your tour of the Star Wars universe is remembered for its stunning backdrop.


All told Star Wars Starfighter pulls you into its universe with an absorbing storyline and visually stunning gameplay. The diversity of characters, missions, and environment offers a richness to the gaming experience. Despite minor navigational challenges and a steep learning curve for the starfighters, the game stands as an invigorating extension of the Star Wars Universe, offering both novice and seasoned gamers a stellar ride through space. For a brush with the stars and a battle for freedom, the game is indeed a commendable choice.


  • The game offers attractive gameplay that combines engaging missions, elaborate storytelling, and dramatic tension
  • The option to pilot three different starfighters adds to replayability, with a varying strategic approach required for each
  • The gorgeous, expansive environments depict the Star Wars universe intensely
  • The immersive graphics are incredibly detailed and pleasing to the eye.


  • Learning to handle the unique flying mechanics and attributes of each starfighter can be a steep learning curve for new players
  • Sometimes, the vastness of the environments can feel a bit overwhelming and confusing to navigate.
STAR WARS™ Starfighter™ Logo
Author: LucasArts

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