Hello Neighbor review

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Hello Neighbor

A Thrilling Dive Into Mystery with 'Hello Neighbor'

'Hello Neighbor' treats its players to an immersive tested blend of surrealist horror and stealth. It employs an intriguing concept of snooping around in your enigmatic neighbor's house to unearth something he tries desperately to hide, leaving you teetering on the edge of your seat, gnawed at by curiosity.

Puzzles and Challenges

Fuelled by intrigue and dread, the bold gameplay thrusts you into a fascinating cat-and-mouse chase. The game's AI ensures that the neighbor learns from your tactics, becoming smarter with each of your moves. Consequently, the game forces you to constantly reshape your strategies, keeping you on your toes and heightening the thrill factor when coupled with the unnerving unpredictability of the opponent.

When it comes to graphics, ‘Hello Neighbor’ dons a cartoony style that somehow manages to smoothly ride the wave between amusement and horror. The color palette is vibrant, and the overall visual appeal is pleasing to the eye. However, one might feel that the character design falls a tad short of expectations, with the animations feeling a bit janky and the overuse of some textures taking a slight toll on the visual allure.

The game is brimming with complex puzzles that are sure to compel you to exercise your gray cells. Set inside the neighbor's house turned labyrinth, these trophies of complexity demand you maneuver around ingenious traps and evade the cunning and omnipresent neighbor, adding layers of challenge to the gameplay. However, the difficulty level occasionally borders on being frustrating, attempting your patience.

In a nutshell, the game strives to weave a compelling narrative that is largely successful. The mysterious house and its cryptic occupant spawn an aura of suspense, more so because the game provides no instruction or narration and leaves you to piece together the story. It's a clever approach, but may also leave players feeling lost and confused sometimes.

The game's sound design indeed merits applause. The eerie ambient sounds and the increase in the tempo of the sinister soundtrack as the neighbor gets closer add depth to the overall anxiety-inducing atmosphere. 

The Paradox of Charm and Terror

In 'Hello Neighbor', game enthusiasts find a paradoxical blend of charm and terror, with its intriguing story, innovative gameplay, and visual appeal. While there are mild critiques, they don't take away from its unique allure, promising a captivating gaming experience where thrill meets strategy.


  • Creative and challenging gameplay
  • Intriguing storyline
  • Excellent sound design engages the player.


  • Graphic details like character design lack finesse
  • Difficulty level might demotivate some players.
Hello Neighbor Logo
Author: tinyBuild
Latest Version: 1.0
Size: 34M

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.