Tower Princess review

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Tower Princess

Unraveling the Depths of 'Tower Princess': A Detailed Review

Dive into an imaginative, 2D meets 3D world with 'Tower Princess,’ a fascinating game that shuffles between dodge-centric combats and stimulating platforming elements. Unique weaponry, intriguing allies, and intricate enemies mark your progress as you navigate through the locked rooms in this roguelite fable.

Wielding your trusty sword, you unleash a swift combo of three, coupled with a defensive dodge roll sporting unpredictable invincibility. While the reach may be debatable and dodging may lead to unexpected damage, this adds a challenging dimension to the gameplay. Be wary, though, point judgment might be tricky due to quirky animation playbacks.

Besides your weaponry, you have the undeniable support of royal blood. As you endeavor to rescue the princess or prince, their unique abilities are at your disposal. Be it causing damage, healing, or crowd control - these factors amplify the gameplay despite the lengthy cooldown period. Besides, remember, the life-restoring items can be few and far between, making survival a nail-biting affair.

One might trip over items dropped by your foes or off the castle furniture, navigable through your D-pad. However, be warned that once a refillable item has been picked up, exchanging it with another is not an option. This unfortunate feature can lead to valuable elements, such as health potions, lying unused. Although there are upgrade systems in place for your health, damage, special moves, and map, obtaining tokens and experiences necessary for these can be mighty slow and arduous.

While the game boasts several premade rooms, considerable repetition in their layouts disrupts excitement. Meeting the same enemies, having predictable exits, and dealing with familiar items - such rigid predictability can introduce monotony. Furthermore, the repetitive dialogues, albeit not so impressive, are another thorn in the side.

From the visual standpoint, the 2D art showcases remarkable creativity, making up for the slightly generic-looking 3D elements. The music keeps you engaged while the sound effects hint at some room for considerable improvement. Despite an obvious need for a greater variety of enemy encounters, areas, and bosses, the game maintains a brisk pace. Even though the run time approximates around thirty minutes, your involvement rarely fades. 


'Tower Princess,' due for release on September 8 on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and later on Xbox One, is an engaging blend of compelling elements and simple play mechanics. With a bit more polish and variability, it could be an absolute gem.


  • Unique ability system with royal characters
  • An intriguing mix of 2D and 3D art
  • The brisk pace of gameplay.


  • Rigid room layouts and repetition
  • Difficulty with upgrading systems.
Tower Princess Logo
Author: AweKteaM
Size: 6 GB available space

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