Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Essential Tips for Tackling Rivellon

Emily Alonso
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Essential Tips for Tackling Rivellon


Embarking on the epic journey that Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers is like stepping into a vibrant, living world full of magic, mystery, and an array of challenges that will test your wit, strategy, and determination. As one of the most acclaimed role-playing games (RPGs) in recent years, Divinity: Original Sin 2 delivers a rich narrative, complex mechanics, and an interactive environment that rewards exploration and creativity. To help both new and seasoned adventurers navigate the complexities of Rivellon, we've compiled a list of essential tips that will sharpen your strategy, enhance your characters, and possibly change the way you play the game. Whether you're strategizing battles against formidable foes or making pivotal decisions that will shape the world around you, these tips are your guide to thriving in the beautifully intricate world of Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Understanding Combat Mechanics

The foundation of success in Divinity: Original Sin 2 lies in mastering its combat system. Combat in this game is turn-based, where positioning, elemental combinations, and skill synergies are key. Paying close attention to the order of turns, you can plan several moves ahead. Positioning your ranged and magic users on the high ground gives them an advantage in both damages dealt and range, while your melee fighters can block enemy paths or protect more vulnerable comrades.

Building a Balanced Party

As you assemble your party, aim for a mix of magic and physical damage dealers, along with a dedicated support character if possible. This ensures you're prepared for any type of enemy resistance you encounter. It's also crucial to diversify the skills and abilities your party can access. For example, having a character skilled in thievery can prove as invaluable for unlocking chests and doors as having a skilled loremaster to identify unknown items.

Exploit Elemental Interactions

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Elemental interactions are a game-changer in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Water can be electrified or frozen, oil can be set aflame, and poison clouds can explode with the right trigger. Learning how to use the environment and your skills in tandem to create these interactions can turn the tide of battle. For instance, casting Rain to douse enemies followed by a Lightning spell can stun multiple foes at once, setting up the stage for a devastating area of effect (AoE) attack.

Invest in Dialogue Skills

Though combat skills are important, never underestimate the power of dialogue skills such as Persuasion, Bartering, and Intimidation. Persuasion, in particular, can alter the course of quests, unlocking new solutions and outcomes that were previously inaccessible. These skills can also ensure a steady flow of income and resources, as Bartering lowers buy prices and raises sell prices, and certain dialogue outcomes can directly reward you with rare items or large sums of gold.

Explore Thoroughly

Divinity: Original Sin 2 rewards curiosity. From hidden chests and secret passages to entire side quests that you might miss if you don't stray off the beaten path. Moreover, talking to every NPC and investigating every nook can unveil lore, valuable information, and items that could be crucial to your journey. Furthermore, many quests offer multiple paths to completion, where exploration alone can provide the means to a more desirable outcome.

Manage Your Inventory and Skills Wisely

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Your inventory will rapidly fill with weapons, armor, scrolls, and various items. Regularly managing and organizing your inventory ensures you're not carrying unnecessary weight and that the best gear is always equipped. It's also vital to review and adapt your skills and spells periodically. As your characters grow and your party composition evolves, certain abilities might become more or less beneficial, demanding a strategic approach to skill management.

Understand and Use Crafting

Crafting can be a powerful tool in Divinity: Original Sin 2. From basic health potions to complex enchanted gear, crafting allows you to customize your party's loadout significantly. Learning recipes can happen through experimentation, finding books, or simply by combining items that seem like they might interact. Regularly craft to save money on essentials and to create powerful gear that matches your playstyle.

Save Often and Use Quick Save

With the myriad of choices, paths, and battles you'll face, saving frequently is crucial. Divinity: Original Sin 2 doesn't auto-save as often as you might like, leading to potential frustration if a lot of progress is lost. Get in the habit of using quick save (F5 on most PCs) before any major decision, combat, or exploration into unknown territory. It's a simple habit that can save hours of lost progress.

Interact with Everything

The game world is filled with items that can interact with one another or affect the environment in ways that aren't always immediately apparent. For example, barrels can be moved to block or open paths, scrolls can be used to solve puzzles, and seemingly mundane objects can sometimes hold the key to progressing through a tough quest. Interaction also extends to your party members, whose unique insights and abilities can unlock new dialogues and paths.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Don't Shy Away from Difficulty Levels

While it might be tempting to stick to the lower difficulty levels, don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Higher difficulties require more strategic thinking and careful planning, which can ultimately lead to a richer and more rewarding game experience. If you find yourself struggling, remember that strategy and party composition can often overcome a high challenge level. Plus, the game allows you to adjust difficulty settings, so finding your sweet spot is always possible.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a game of immense depth and complexity, offering a literally magical RPG experience. By applying the tips outlined above, you'll not only enhance your enjoyment of the game but also improve your chances of success in the challenging world of Rivellon. Each tip represents a fundamental aspect of the game, from combat and character development to exploration and crafting. However, remember that experimentation and personal experience are also key. Divinity: Original Sin 2 rewards creativity and strategic thinking, so feel free to explore beyond these tips and carve your own path to victory.

With patience, strategy, and a bit of creativity, you'll find yourself not just surviving but thriving in the rich and vibrant world of Divinity: Original Sin 2. Good luck, and may your adventures in Rivellon be both successful and memorable!
