Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Was Not a AAA Production, Developed in 4-5 Years

Emily Alonso


Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Was Not a AAA Production, Developed in 4-5 Years

In a recent dialogue with MP1st, Stéphane Beauverger, the narrative director from the reputable studio Don’t Nod, opened up about the intricacies behind their latest venture, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. This game, which marks their second venture into the action RPG genre, diverges from their past narrative-centric titles, offering a comprehensive and immersive playing experience. Beauverger shared insights, underscoring that Banishers was conceived and crafted not as a high-budget AAA title, but as a meticulously developed AA game—a distinction the team wears as a badge of honor.
The studio's ambition was to deliver an exceptional experience through an expansive map and voluminous content, choices driven by their passion despite the game's classification. Beauverger elaborated on the creative decisions that led to this broader, more open structure. He pointed out that, unlike their previous narrative-focused games such as Life is Strange or Tell Me Why which thrived on a linear approach, Banishers demanded an environment where players had the autonomy to explore and unravel the mysteries of New Eden in whichever sequence they preferred.
Creating Banishers was no small feat. Beauverger outlined the development timeline, noting that pinpointing the exact period it took to bring the game to life can be complex. Factors such as the initial concept phase, the creation of the first playable sequence, and post-release updates all contribute to the timeline. However, he estimated that the project spanned between four to five years from inception to release—a testament to the team's dedication and effort poured into this game.
Moreover, while discussing the future, Beauverger hinted at the possibility of expanding the Banishers universe, although nothing is set in stone. The studio views Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden not just as a standalone game but as the initial step towards establishing a new franchise, signaling potential for more adventures in its fascinating world.
Through Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, Don’t Nod has not only ventured further into action RPG territory but has also demonstrated the depth and quality games can achieve without the AAA label, emphasizing their commitment to delivering rich gaming experiences to their audience.
